Lemont Township High School Class of 1997
Mark Winiars
After high school I went to college for culinary arts, got fat, quit college, got skinny. I am currently composing the score for 2 indie films that will be at Sundance next year. I am in 3 bands and also write music for several touring bands. I'm not a fan of longterm relationships and I don't want kids, so that answers that. I chain smoke and drink quite a bit of absinthe so enjoy me at this reunion cause most likely I won't be alive for the next. Aside from music I currently work as a researcher for Follett Educational Services in Woodridge, IL.

Check me out on myspace @ www.zombieshakespeare.com

Look up various things online @ www.yahoo.com

Look at our reunion @ http://lemont1997.classquest.com